Choosing Mold Materials for Making Curved Glass Smartphone Screen

White Paper

Competition in the smartphone market is fierce, driving — and driven by — a flood of new features and capabilities. In the battle for market share, one of the most significant areas of innovation is displays, where we’re seeing changes in size, clarity and most recently, movement into the third dimension. These changes, specifically the move from 2.5D to 3D, are fueling the increased use of curved glass.


As with many innovations, curved glass has had its share of false starts, retreats, and reintroductions. It began with the introduction of flat glass with contoured edges and progressed to curving of the glass itself out of the plane of the glass surface. Over a relatively short time period the industry has moved from placing curved glass over flat screens to using curved glass over curved LCD and OLED displays. New software will continue to take advantage of and fuel development of the new displays with both three-dimensional images and increasing use of the edges of the screen to display information. And in this competitive market, curved glass is impacting not just the functionality, but also the look and feel of new phones.

In this white paper read:

  • how the smartphone industry is rapidly accepting curved screen glass as a standard component
  • how the graphite molds and materials used will result in higher yield and better glass quality.